• Question: Where did you learn to type code

    Asked by hgig to Paul, Alex on 8 Dec 2011.
    • Photo: Alex Bateman

      Alex Bateman answered on 8 Dec 2011:

      Hi hgig. I learnt during my PhD studies. I actually learnt to code in the Perl language to create origami crease patterns. I am largely self taught. That code eventually morphed into a complete package for origami tessellation creation called Tess which is available as an executable on the web.

    • Photo: Paul Flicek

      Paul Flicek answered on 8 Dec 2011:

      I think I started when I was 13 and my family got our first computer. I used books and magazines to learn how to program and make the computer do interesting things. Later I took classes at school and at university in various programming languages.

      Today it would probably be a bit easier to get started because you could look up information on the internet that I originally found in books and magazines. The basic rule is the same is that you learn by doing. I remember that the first big program that a wrote was designed to keep track of all of the books that I had including the title, author and when I read the book. I could print up reports and things like that.
